Seen as a book, sometimes by the cover.
We all, we all have stories to fell.
Some that make you dwell, some that make you well.
Some that remind you of hell, some that remind you all is well.
Like a ocean, forever drifting the waves, knowing through you, even If i crash, it’s merely just a small bump and splash.
No crashing of the rocks as we begin to search the sea, simply floating amongst it’s calm and serenity.
I, like you wish to continue this journey without a sight or soul of anger or jealousy, but to just embrace every last moment for it’s joy and chance to be free.
Even if, even if for a split second, that enough to remind me.
Enough to remind me how love is the key.
The key to allowing us to finish our story before we burn our own pages.
No longer should we be afraid of what makes us, for if at no harm, then why do continue to jail ourselves in?
The biggest crime of sin.
Is the one, the one that prevents us trying to win.
Prevents us from spreading our message of no longer playing games.
No longer yearning to take each other down for the sake of obtaining the crown.
For we, we are already kings and queens.
Carpe Diem
Enigma. Passionate. Lover of life and all truth that binds us together! Arun Kapur is a Wolverhampton born and bred multidisciplinary artist with a passion to change the world.
His previous accolades Include performing at Nottingham Poetry Festival, Birmingham 2022 as well as co-running his own Film Festival alongside poetry themed productions.
He says all the time we each have the power and purpose to change the world for the better, go seize it!
You can find Arun on Instagram @Arunkapur0303 and on Twitter @Arunkapur333.