Poetry workshops with Manjot Dhaliwal (St Albans)

We are delighted to offer two poetry workshops with Manjot Dhaliwal, and these will provide a space for you to think about poetry on a deeper level and to connect with other poets.

These workshops are free and open to all, but spaces are very limited, so book now, and please let us know if you are unable to attend.

For more information and to book, click the button below.

Poetry Workshops with Manjot Dhaliwal

Workshop 1: Children/Families: ‘Free to Be Me’

Sunday 28th July, 11 a.m., 2 hours

This workshop will look at the poetry of Amrita Pritam and her ideas around freedom and taking up space. Through engaging with creative techniques we will first imaginatively engage with the questions, ‘When do I feel free?’ and ‘Where do I feel at home?’ We will then look at Amrita Pritam’s poem, “My Address” and discuss poetic techniques and revisit the questions of ‘When do I feel free?”. Participants will then be encouraged to write their own poems based on their answers.

Drop in Activity: When do I feel free? Writing Prompts and Drawing Activities
-Acrostic Poem
-Poetry prompts using metaphors
-Draw: I feel free when
-Post it note writing activity


Workshop 2: Women’s Poetry Workshop: ‘My Space’

Sunday 28th July, 2 p.m., 2 hours

This workshop will look at Amrita Pritam’s poems, “My Address” and “Empty Space”. We explore the theme of space: taking up space and making space. What is your space? How does it define you? We will analyse Amrita Pritam’s poems, looking at her usage of poetic techniques and her philosophical outlook. We will engage in ‘free-writing’ and discussion before writing our poems. We will conclude with an optional open mic, please feel free to bring any materials you’ve been working on. This will be a safe, supportive environment for sharing.


About Manjot

Manjot Dhaliwal is a writer, educator and PhD researcher. She has over ten years of experience as a primary school teacher, and now works as a Lecturer at the University of Brighton. She has facilitated poetry workshops with libraries, art galleries, literature festivals, writing organisations, charities and outreach groups. Her research explores South Asian women’s poetry, identities and family histories.