‘The Voyage’ by Tavinder Kaur New

The voyage they took to set up roots, build a home, and set up identity all came before I was a chain to it.

Setting up, building identity, and fighting racism, prejudices, and fear. Believing in us to get an education—no trace of that before.

We were the first to get university degrees, a pride for our ancestry. The cliche against running an office license preserves our culture.

A line that others followed to go and get their dreams to come away and block that our caste can’t get any dream.

The journey we took to get our education, jobs, reading, and writing—all that we have accomplished—is a chain to what comes later.

Setting up diversity, marrying beyond religion, shaping future fluidity, fending perceptions of past prejudices, and believing in us to teach others no trace of that before.

We are the first to have children who are a mix of both cultures and still preserve our culture and faith to the point where we believe and carry it on to future generations while retaining our family.

You can find Tavinder on Twitter @newtavinder and at tavindernew.wordpress.com.